World Association of PPP Units & Professionals (WAPPP) and InfraPPP (which is a part of IMC Worldwide, DT Global Company) have prepared the Quarterly PPP Deal Update 2Q 2022
The document contains market research and analysis of PPP projects registered in InfraPPP’s databases.
WAPPP and InfraPPP aimed to highlight the evolution of the market over the quarter, focusing on the overall developments registered globally and across all sectors. This report covers global public-private partnerships in the infrastructure market, with a specific focus on mega-projects with high investment amounts. The main focus is on the deal pipeline, highlighting future market opportunities.

Special attention in the report is paid to the regulatory framework and the latest legislation updates in the PPP field in Ukraine which were made at the beginning of 2022. The authors also illuminated new challenges in the development of PPPs caused by the significant infrastructure damages resulting from the russian invasion as well as its adverse impact on current concession projects in “Olvia” and “Kherson” seaports. The research covers the key issues of infrastructure reconstruction and economic recovery in the post-war period under the PPP model, including the intent expressed by the country’s government to create mechanisms that would minimize corruption manifestations during post-war recovery and ensure the financial security of investors and creditors.

You can read the Quarterly PPP Deal Update 2Q 2022 on the website of InfraPPP —
or by following the link below:
For reference: InfraPPP is the leading online knowledge platform in the field of infrastructure finance and investment with a special focus on Public-Private Partnerships around the world.