«Climate Impact Toolkit» to PPP (ISRC/WAPPP)

Published on: 26.07.2023
Category: PPP News

On July 25, 2023, the World Association of PPP Units & Professionals (WAPPP) and the International Sustainable Resilience Center (ISRC) organized a special online event. During the event, experts David Dodd (Founder and Director of ISRC) introduced a groundbreaking climate risk analysis tool.

The innovative tool is designed to assess the risks associated with climate change and enable proactive measures to minimize negative consequences and losses in infrastructure projects. Its primary aim is to enhance infrastructure resilience by accurately evaluating and predicting climate-related risks.

Mr.  David Dodd explained that the tool utilizes simulation models to visualize the risks and potential damages caused by various natural calamities such as floods, earthquakes, wildfires, among others. What sets this tool apart is its unique combination of data analysis, visualization, and financial modeling.

During the session, experts emphasized the tool’s relevance to governmental agencies involved in infrastructure planning. The tool’s comprehensive analysis and financial modeling can assist them in making informed decisions about infrastructure investments, considering potential losses due to climate-related threats.

The proposed innovative methodology can aid in ensuring the sustainability, stability, and efficiency of infrastructure projects, minimizing losses from natural disasters, and yielding long-term benefits for the economy and society. 

The tool is built on precise data and knowledge encompassing various regions worldwide, including Ukraine. Integrating this tool into governmental decisions can significantly bolster climate preparedness, ensure infrastructure safety and sustainability, and result in substantial cost savings.


We will remind that this year, the Public-Private Infrastructure Advisory Facility (PPIAF) presented a new set of tools – “Climate Toolkits for Infrastructure PPPs” for their integration into PPP advisory work and project structuring. It includes an Umbrella toolkit for multi-sector use and 5 sector-specific toolkits (Water Production and TreatmentDigital/ICT Hydropower Renewable Energy Roads). The toolkits help identify climate risks and opportunities and facilitate private sector involvement in low-carbon and resilient infrastructure projects.