Today, January 22, an online meeting and discussion took place on the prospects for the pilot PPP project implementation in the field of healthcare of Ukraine on the basis of the Clinical Emergency Hospital in Lviv facilities.
Representatives from the Ministry of Economy, the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, the International Finance Corporation (IFC), the PPP Agency, the Lviv City Council and experts participated in the discussion.
– common road map development to address the issues of health care facilities modernization, expanding the quality for medical services availability using the PPP mechanism;
– specific projects and models identification for PPP implementation in the field of health care, which should be implemented in a rational and cost-effective way on the basis of facilities of the Clinical Emergency Hospital in Lviv. In particular, are being considered in advance: the possibilities of construction of a new building for a multidisciplinary hospital, creation of a diagnostic centre or a network of diagnostic centres, creation of a centre for providing oncological services in radiation therapy, and creation of a laboratory.
The next step is to organize the joint work of the team on a pilot project, including the involvement of experts and consultants with the support of the International Finance Corporation.