A memorandum of understanding between the Lviv City Administration, the International Finance Corporation and the PPP Agency was signed during the emergency medical forum, titled “What is the future of medicine in Lviv?”
On the 9th of June, an emergency medical forum, titled “What is the future of medicine in Lviv?” took place.
The forum brought together many experts, including chief physicians of the city health care facilities, leading medical experts and deputies of the Lviv City Council for a discussion on:
- A reform of the city healthcare system, that entails the creation of three territorial medical associations;
- The results of research into the transformation of the healthcare industry, conducted by the “Deloitte” company as a part of the USAID project “Support for healthcare system reform”
- An economic model of Lviv healthcare industry;
- The development of emergency and secondary healthcare, palliative care as well as obstetrics and gynecology in the context of territorial medical associations;
- The improvement of the quality of medical services, etc.
The event was opened by the Minister of Health of Ukraine, Viktor Liashko, the mayor of Lviv, Andriy Sadovyi and the IFC Regional Manager for Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova, Jason Pellmar.
Viktor Liashko has stated that one of his tasks is to devise a strategy for the development of the healthcare system until 2030. In general, the extension of the healthcare reform in Ukraine has required transformation, among other reasons, due to the unprecedented impact caused by the coronavirus pandemic. At the same time, the Minister of Health of Ukraine has emphasised the importance of disseminating information about the best practices in medical care management. He has expressed his hope for Lviv to become an example for other cities and communities.
“The Ministry of Health of Ukraine supports the creation of an efficient network of healthcare facilities and potent medical associations that must exist harmoniously in the system of hospital districts. This calls for a continuous dialogue that would be maintained through events such as this forum. Participation in this dialogue will not be limited to city, region and community authorities. High-quality medical services require the involvement and coordination of various providers. Hence, the coordination must occur on multiple levels.
I hope that Lviv will become an example for other cities and communities and that the developed solutions will be available for transfer to those regions that want and will learn from the example of the city of Lviv. Therefore, I’d like to encourage the forum participants: discuss, debate and make decisions solely for the benefit of patients and healthcare professionals. As we are building a patient-centered healthcare system. Let us have a productive discussion.” – said the Minister of Health of Ukraine.
Jason Pellmar, the IFC Regional Manager for Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova, has noted that well-structured PPP projects can help the country and the city of Lviv achieve the goals of the healthcare reform, provide access to quality medical services and facilitate the development of advanced healthcare infrastructure.
With this goal in mind, the PPP Agency, together with the Lviv City Council and the International Finance Corporation have started working on the preparation of pilot PPP projects in the healthcare sector in Ukraine, including the Lviv Emergency Hospital (LEH). These projects are predicted to have great potential for replication in other territorial communities of Ukraine.
This forum has become a platform for the signing of a memorandum of understanding between the Administration of the city of Lviv, the International Finance Corporation and the PPP Agency with the goal to establish the legal framework for cooperation in the development of PPP projects in the healthcare sector in the Lviv city territorial community, as part of the city’s healthcare sector reform. The cooperation will entail the execution of a preliminary assessment and an identification of one or more pilot projects that can be implemented with the advisory support of the International Finance Corporation (IFC).

“The International Finance Corporation will help the medical institutions of Lviv in the development of an economic model […] The participation of the International Finance Corporation and experts who will be involved in the development of economic strategy is important for the development of a comprehensive strategy.” – stated the city mayor, Andriy Sadovyi.
Currently, an analysis of predefined priority projects that can be potentially chosen as pilot PPP projects in the healthcare sector in Ukraine, including the Lviv Emergency Hospital (LEH) is under development. Some of the considered projects include the construction of a new facility of a multi-profile hospital, the creation of a medical diagnostic center or a network of such centers, the establishment of a center that would provide oncology services, including radiation therapy and the establishment of a laboratory.
The improvement of the quality of medical services and the modernization of the Lviv Emergency Hospital is a project that was included in the list of investment projects of high priority for the state to be implemented by the year 2023. The list was approved by the order of the Cabinet of Ministers of 16.12.2020 №1581-r. It was formed to fulfill paragraph 56 of the Action Plan on the implementation of the State Economic Stimulus Program for 2020-2022, intended to counteract the negative effects caused by restrictive measures taken to prevent the spread of acute respiratory disease COVID-19 caused by SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus.
You can learn more about the event on the website of the Lviv City Council: