Today, February 11th an online workshop on the benefits of public-private partnership was held, organized by the Ministry for the Development of Economy Trade and Agriculture of Ukraine, the Public-Private Partnership Agency and the SPILNO Public-Private Partnership Project Office. The main purpose of the event is to raise project initiators from the public sector awareness about the processes of PPP projects’ initiation, preparation and implementation.
In total, about 100 people participated in the training event, including representatives of 18 central executive bodies and 26 local self-government bodies.
“Public-private partnership is an effective tool for attracting investment in the creation, development and modernization of infrastructure, improving the management of public facilities and the availability of essential services. High-quality of PPP projects’ preparation is the key to their successful implementation, so it is important to increase the institutional capacity of public authorities and local governments”, – underlined Deputy Minister for the Development of Economy, Trade and Agriculture of Ukraine Iryna Novikova.
During the workshop, participants learned about:
- PPP fundamentals: the PPP concept, goals, characteristics, benefits;
- PPP project life cycle: from project idea identification to PPP project implementation and contract management;
- the Concept Note contents and research requirements needed for its preparation quality;
- the Concept Note analysis’ organizational principles and this analysis results, which are the basis for the decision to the project feasibility study preparation advisability;
- the Feasibility Study contents requirements;
- the organizational principles for the PPP implementation effectiveness analysis performance and the contents of the conclusion on its results.
Also, we want to note that this is only the first such event this year. Thus, next week, on February 18, 2021, a workshop “Private Initiative Projects: Preparation and Implementation, Features of the Performance Analysis Procedure in Ukraine” will take place. You can register for the event by the following link: