On the 3rd of February took place a workshop organized by the PPP Agency and the International Finance Corporation (IFC) on PPP projects in the field of healthcare in Ukraine.
Experts from the International Finance Corporation (IFC) shared their experience on supporting and financing PPP projects in the field of healthcare in different countries around the world, according to partnership models that can be implemented in a rational and cost-effective way.
The event involved international investment companies with extensive experience in implementing PPP projects around the world, specializing in the development of long-term infrastructure projects (Meridiam/Ronesans), and provide health services in countries such as Turkey, Romania, Moldova, Bulgaria, Germany, Poland, Ukraine, India (Bozlu, Medicover Synevo).
They presented practical cases on PPP projects:
- integrated medical campus;
- medical centers and hospitals;
- nuclear medicine centers;
- centers for providing oncological services in radiation therapy;
- research and diagnostic centers;
- laboratories.
The discussion identified key success factors in the implementation of PPP in medical infrastructure and considered a list of possible components of the PPP pilot project in the field of health in Ukraine, as well as features of implementation in the context of the proposed PPP models: Infrastructure Model / Service Model / Integrated Model.
Widely discussed:
- the payment mechanism formation;
- service management. features (medical and related);
- risk management and risk allocation between public and private partners.
In order to further learn about the specifics of investment projects implementation using the PPP mechanism, join the following events of the PPP Agency, which will take place on February 11 and 18, and will be devoted to the specifics of initiating, preparing and approving PPP projects.