PPP Health Care Project

Public partner – L’viv City Council
Potential pilot:
- Hospital consolidation PPP
- Laboratory PPP
- Imaging PPP
Demand potential:
- 0.8 mln population in Lviv
- 1 mln population in the Lviv agglomeration
- 2.5 million population in Lviv region
- medical tourism
Preparation of the concept note. In case of positive feedback from investors and respective decisions by L’viv City Council to launch the project, preparation of the feasibility study might start before the end of 2021 and the tender might be launched in the summer of 2022.
Hospital consolidation PPP
Construction of a new multi-profile hospital at the site of the L’viv Emergency Hospital (LEH)
The model envisions attracting a private investor to finance, design, build, equip and maintain a new multidisciplinary hospital (PFI model) via consolidation of existing outdated public hospitals.
Under the model, the staff and other resources of the old public hospitals will be consolidated and will continue delivering clinical services in the newly constructed hospital.
The new hospital should have around 1,000 beds and should be developed as multi-profile acute care facilities with an additional bed capacity for psychiatry and TB
Indicative total CAPEX – over EUR 50–60 mln

Public Partner:
- Provides access to site and connection to utilities for the period of the project;
- Pays annual availability payments;
- Funds and operates clinical and non-clinical services.
Private Partner:
- Designs, finances, builds and maintains the building;
- Maintains the equipment and the facilities;
- Option: the private partner could be made responsible for operating some of all non-clinical services (security, housekeeping, cleaning, maintenance, kitchen, laundry, sterilization services, utilities, etc.)

Laboratory PPP
Construction of a network of laboratories using hub-and-spoke model
The objective
To provide modern laboratory services, including biochemistry, pathology, histopathology, haematology, cytology, immunology, microbiology and modern molecular-biology services across the L’viv oblast.
The concept
The project envisions a private investor:
- to build, equip and operate a network of laboratories using the hub-and-spoke model;
- and delivering a wide range of quality medical tests to participating public healthcare facilities in L’viv;
– to patients referred and reimbursed for by public facilities (the “Public patients”) and;
– patients paying out-of-pocket and/or referred by private clinics or self-referred (the “Private patients”).

Public Partner:
- Provides facilities or access to site and connection to utilities;
- Pays viability gap funding/ availability fees, if required;
- Pays for delivered clinical services;
- Provides referrals and integrates with LEH and other public hospitals.
Private Partner:
- Designs, finances, builds, equips, recruits and trains staff, operates and maintains the facilities in a hub-spoke-spike model;
- Provides clinical and technical services such as reporting, 24×7 coverage with agreed quality parameters;
- Provides fee-for-service of all major laboratory tests and some advanced tests from a predetermined list.

Imaging PPP
Construction of a central imaging center or a network of imaging departments which will serve LEH and other hospitals
The objective
Develop a central diagnostic imaging center or a network for LEH and other selected hospitals through a hub-and-spoke model. This would provide the required range of diagnostic imaging services, partially interpreted through a telemedicine-based IT solution, efficiently and under a quality assurance framework.
The concept
The project envisions a private investor:
- to finance, equip, maintain, operate a network of imaging centers;
- and to deliver imaging diagnostics services to public and private patients and hospitals, part of which could be interpreted through telemedicine-based IT solutions.
Public Partner:
- Provides access to site and connection to utilities for the duration of the project;
- Pays for clinical services for the publicly financed patients;
- Provides referrals.
Private Partner:
- Designs, finances, builds, operates, recruits/trains staff, maintains the imaging department facilities in a hub;
- Provides clinical services for publicly financed patients with 24×7 coverage at agreed quality and time;
- Concentrates high-end diagnostic imaging and undertake complex tests in the central (hub) department.