Development of the Rail-Ferry Terminal in Chornomorsk
The railway-ferry complex is a separate structural subdivision of the state enterprise “Sea Commercial Port” Chornomorsk”. It is the only terminal in Ukraine that specializes in servicing railway and auto-ferry lines, as well as ro-ro-type vessels.
The project envisages the modernization of existing capacities of railway-ferry complex.
Key technical features
*In Railway Wagons | 4.5 mln tons |
*Heavy Duty Trucks | 150 000 |
*Units of Vehicles | 250 000 |
Available Depth | 9.7 m |
Potential Investment Opportunity
- Unique facility in Ukraine, which handles rail and auto ferry lines, as well as “ro-ro” vessels.
- Highly marginal operating business with unused capacity.
- Existing facilities in good condition including 3 berths.
- Rail and road access available as well as 9.7 m depth.
- The terminal is a part of rail ferry lines functioning on the Black Sea and the “New Silk Road” trade corridor.
Total CAPEX | USD ~10 mln |
According to the Order of the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine dated 02.01.2018, № 3, “On some issues regarding the preparation of feasibility studies of pilot concession projects in the field of infrastructure” an affirmative decision was made on the preparation of a feasibility study that will explore the potential implementation of public-private partnership regarding the railway-ferry complex of the state enterprise “Sea Commercial Port” Chornomorsk” concession project.
On the 19th of October, a tripartite civil law agreement between the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine, USPA and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) was signed. It regulates the cooperation of the parties regarding the preparation and structuring of concession projects of the first and container terminals as well as the concession of the railway-ferry complex of the SE «Sea Commercial Port «Chornomorsk» and the corresponding property of USPA, associated with these terminals (according to paragraphs 28-29 of the Procedure for engaging advisors in the preparation of concession projects, approved by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers № 950 dated October 9, 2020).
According to the agreement, EBRD agrees to enter into a cooperation agreement with the International Finance Corporation (IFC), which will act as the Chief adviser for the project.
Currently, international financial organizations are conducting tender to select technical, legal and communication advisers who will facilitate the development of a feasibility study and tender documentation for the project.