The PPP Agency team has successfully passed the third and final stage of the international certification program in the field of public-private partnership: Certified PPP Professional (CP3P) APMG Execution.
The training was organized and conducted for public sector representatives of Ukraine in September and October 2021 with the support and assistance of the International Finance Corporation (IFC), the PPP Agency and the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine.
The CP3P program was created and licensed by the Association of Project Management Group International (APMG) at the request of the World Bank Group (WBG) and a number of other international financial institutions. The CP3P program ensures the knowledge and understanding of key aspects of the preparation and implementation of PPP projects. It standardizes terminology and approaches to PPP issues and presents representatives of the public sector with information on the world’s best practices in the field of PPP.
More than 70 representatives of Ukraine, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan that had previously passed the first two stages of the certification (Foundation and Preparation), have participated in the third one. The first two stages have enabled the experts to deepen their understanding of various features and peculiarities of PPP project identification, structuring, evaluation, as well as tender documentation and contract drafting. The third stage, Certified PPP Professional (CP3P) APMG Execution, was aimed at developing practical skills in structuring PPP projects, tender documentation and PPP contracts, as well as conducting tenders to determine a private partner, and managing PPP contracts during the construction, operation and hand-back (the return of the object of PPP back to the public partner) processes.
The third stage of training of the certification program began on the 1st of September, 2021. The training program, developed by the PPP Expertise Eurasia ltd on an expert level, enabled all participants to prepare effectively for the exam. As a result, 28 representatives of public authorities, local governments and state institutions of Ukraine have passed the exam on the 24th of October, 2021.
«Newly certified professionals have already become the backbone of human resources of state bodies of Ukraine, which increases the country’s institutional capacity in the field of PPP as well as the processes of preparation and implementation of important sustainable infrastructure projects in various areas of the economy», noted the Deputy Minister of Economy of Ukraine, Iryna Novikova.